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The Magic of Primers for a Successful Paint Job "AC-EAGLE (OH60-20X55)55%"

21 Jul, 2020

When it comes to your Vehicle..

Primers are the most common undercoats used when refinishing car bodies. They’re used to build up and level feathered areas or rough surfaces and to provide a smooth surface for paint. AC-EAGLE (OH60-20X55)55% provides you with unique characteristics:

  • Adhesion – they provide a strong bond between the sheet metal or old paint and the new paint
  • Rust resistance – they resist the formation of rust where they adhere to the sheet metal
  • ‘Build’ – they’re able to fill sanding and grinding marks in old paint, sheet metal and fillers
  • Sanding ease – they can be sanded smooth and leveled quickly and easily
  • ‘Hold out’ – they prevent the paint from soaking in, which results in a dull finish
  • Drying speed – a good high-build primer should be ready to sand in as little as 30 minutes

After focusing on the outstanding performance of AC-EAGLE (OH60-20X55)55% as a primer, let’s take a look at the full picture and get closer to the rest of applications which involves using EAGLE CHEMICALS Hydroxy Acrylic for Primers. The following list includes all possible applications that our AC-EAGLE (OH60-20X55)55% tackles such as:

  • Fast drying two components Industrial Lacquers
  • Two components high quality primer surface for Automotive Industry 
  • High quality two components top coat for Wood Industry 
  • Two components Economical Clear Coat

Based on the previously mentioned various applications EAGLE CHEMICALS innovative team considered blending our AC-EAGLE (OH60-20X55)55% with other references for a more customized outcome. Taking into consideration that blending is not always applicable. Our R&D Team provided guide formulas for multiple possible ratios so as to have a wide range of solutions.

EAGLE Compatible References:

AC-EAGLE (OH66-28X60)60%

AC-EAGLE (OH33-45XBA50)50%

AC-EAGLE (OH66-20BA50)50%